All work created on this page at created using software written by SRKeith.  These images were created using OpenGL based software on a Macintosh.

Year: 1990-2001

Software: GVS 3.0, 3.2, SRKeith circa 1990 to 1997, GL, C

Software: PMARCviewer 1.0, SRKeith circa 1997 to 2001, OpenGL, C

Hardware: GVS 3.x, SGI Personal Workstation

Hardware: PMARCviewer 1.0, Macintosh, Windows NT 4, Sun Sparc and SGI

Title: Panel Methods data created by PMarc using the Delta Model.

These images are from PMARCviewer, a product I produced as SRK Graphics Rsch for the Macintosh. I designed the software to be purposefully cross platform independent. This image was created by using TIFF generation software that is part of PMARCviewer.